Employer experience: it’s much easier to find employees with NO-CV
Saulius Galinis, Director of Binarus, takes an active interest in the latest news in the field of information technology. So when he saw an advertisement for the NO-CV recruitment platform, he decided to take a closer look. Coincidentally, he was looking for a sales manager at the time, but had not really been successful.
“We had tried searching for an employee through standard platforms, but with no luck. When I saw the NO-CV advert and started to look into it, I was impressed by the fact that there was very little human intervention on this platform. I decided to give it a try immediately, because I was tired of the standard ways of searching for employees, which were time-consuming and had proven ineffective”, says Saulius.
The advert placed for the first time didn’t work. But the man working in IT did not give up. After consulting Gediminas Vilčiauskas, the developer of the NO-CV platform, he improved the job advert and tried a second time. This time it was a success – several candidates responded, with whom the head of the company made contact.
“I was very pleased that candidates who met 95% of our requirements were selected. While anyone can contact you on a traditional CV submission platform, here the system selects candidates very specifically. It has saved a lot of time for me as a manager”, – said Saulius.
With the help of NO-CV, the Director of Binarus successfully found a sales manager and is very satisfied with her work. Following his successful experience, Saulius is looking for another employee through this platform.
“We’ve launched a new advert and I’m not yet thinking about the standard old-fashioned platforms. Five people applied in one day and all of them meet the requirements. With all due respect to other professions, people who had absolutely nothing to do with the position would send their CVs. In this case, NO-CV selection is much more efficient”’ said the Director of Binarus, sharing his experience.
According to him, the employment market has needed a similar solution for a long time. Saulius hopes that the search for a second employee with NO-CV will be just as successful as the first.
For what the recruitment experience was like for Kristina Kašėtaitė, the sales manager who got the position, read here.